Matches for søren sej

Match ID Team 1 Team 2 Status Owner
561 ExileSport mousesports Cancelled søren sej
560 ExileSport EnVyUs Cancelled søren sej
557 Astralis² Going to fuck ur mom, line was too long Won 16:10 by Going to fuck ur mom, line was too long søren sej
556 Astralis² Going to fuck ur mom, line was too long Cancelled søren sej
555 ExileSport Astralis Won 16:8 by Astralis søren sej
554 ExileSport Astralis Cancelled søren sej
553 ExileSport Team Liquid Cancelled søren sej
552 EnVyUs Team Liquid Cancelled søren sej
551 Astralis EnVyUs Cancelled søren sej