All matches

Match ID Team 1 Team 2 Status Owner
5331 Cartier Shmeat Riders Frog Fellas Won 16:6 by Frog Fellas sini
5330 TIJL of Super Acquaintances Crazyslicked Won 16:2 by TIJL of Super Acquaintances sini
5329 Island Boys Band of Borpas Won 16:7 by Island Boys sini
5328 Team Duck KomodoHype Won 16:12 by Team Duck sini
5322 yo fsafas Won 16:10 by fsafas sini
5321 yo fsafas Won 16:8 by yo sini
5317 LoyaltyGang OS E-Sport Won 16:7 by OS E-Sport [AG] Ace
5315 Aquiver LoyaltyGang Won 16:1 by LoyaltyGang [AG] Ace
5313 OS E-Sport SouthEast Monkey Won 16:10 by OS E-Sport [AG] Ace
5312 yo fsafas Won 16:13 by fsafas sini
5310 yo fsafas Won 16:13 by fsafas sini
5309 Team Prac Team Prac 2 Live, 19:1 Bames
5308 yo fsafas Won 16:8 by yo sini
5307 yo fsafas Won 19:17 by fsafas sini
5301 yo fsafas Won 22:18 by fsafas sini
5300 yo Island Boys Won 16:11 by Island Boys sini
5299 yo Island Boys Won 19:17 by Island Boys sini
5297 Aquiver BIG Diao Won 16:11 by BIG Diao [AG] Ace
5295 yo fsafas Won 16:8 by yo sini
5294 yo fsafas Won 19:15 by fsafas sini