All matches

Match ID Team 1 Team 2 Status Owner
7840 Turkish Pain Ghosts Won 16:14 by Ghosts get5gaminghub
7839 Ghosts SAKSOON Won 16:3 by Ghosts get5gaminghub
7838 Turkish Pain xSite Tactics Won 16:0 by Turkish Pain get5gaminghub
7837 TZHUUPEEK DOGZ Won 16:3 by DOGZ get5gaminghub
7836 TZHUUPEEK EGO Lifters Won 16:12 by TZHUUPEEK get5gaminghub
7833 TZHUUPEEK Firebears Won 16:13 by TZHUUPEEK get5gaminghub
7831 DOGZ EGO Lifters Won 16:9 by DOGZ get5gaminghub
7829 TZHUUPEEK EGO Lifters Won 16:9 by EGO Lifters get5gaminghub
7825 DOGZ Firebears Won 16:2 by DOGZ get5gaminghub
7821 Peta MaRo Won 16:0 by MaRo get5gaminghub
7820 Peta MaRo Won 16:1 by MaRo get5gaminghub
7818 Peta MaRo Won 2:0 by MaRo get5gaminghub
7816 Peta MaRo Won 16:4 by Peta get5gaminghub
7813 Peta MaRo Won 16:0 by MaRo get5gaminghub
7809 Peta MaRo Won 16:0 by MaRo get5gaminghub
7808 Peta MaRo Won 16:0 by MaRo get5gaminghub
7807 Peta MaRo Won 16:0 by MaRo get5gaminghub
7804 Peta MaRo Won 16:4 by Peta get5gaminghub
7793 BlÄ Stue Betzers sarrygang Won 2:1 by Betzers sarrygang The Avatar Ebular
7792 Gren Gaming Skamling Conspiracy Won 2:0 by Gren Gaming The Avatar Ebular